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Social Media Client B

Social Media Client

Project Goals: Client B came to us with a very small reach on their Facebook page. They had scarcely been using the page, and were looking for ways to grow that audience. The main issue was that they had a limited target within their coverage region.

Our Solutions: We decided the best approach for organic growth would be through a mix of leveraging existing content from experts, and by holding events within the area. We set up a plan to consistently post repurposed content with their commentary accompanying the post, looking for a call-and-response from their audience. We also helped plan and implement low impact events to help grow their reach. We then implemented a limited amount of Sponsored posts to help expand their reach outside of their normal audience.

Results: We were lucky enough to have a longer time period, working with this client over the course of four years. In those four years, through call-and-response posts, low impact events, and a few Sponsored original posts, we were able to grow their audience 1023%.