Welcome to The No Bullshit Designer! This blog will serve as a sounding board for thoughts on design, illustration, and social media. The name… well that’s a story.
My buddy Haseeb Qureshi and I were standing outside of K Brew one fine day, it was in the early days of Feral Giant. I was whining about how things were going, I’d had some big setbacks.

HQ, apparently, got fed up with all that talk around the time we made it outside to leave. He then proceeded to start poking me in the chest, aggressively saying “…you’re the no bullshit designer!”
My thought was how funny of a scene that must be to some passer-by. 5′, 100 lbs. soaking wet HQ, poking 6’7″, indiscriminate weight me in the chest. I let him live, told him I was stealing that monicker as the name of this very blog. So here we are.